RIGHT-WING PATSIES Radical Bleeding Heart image


So whenever progressives dare to attempt introducing a bit of sanity or justice into the system, thereby threatening the powerful, those worthies just whip up the passions of their battalions of useful idiots, who obediently rise up in arms, frothing at the mouth and waving pitchforks. It is not in the interests of the privileged to have a reasonable discussion of the issues; provoking clouds of angry insanity is far more useful.

Hmmm. Don't do-badders love to brag about how no one puts anything over on them? Don't they love to sneer at liberals for being naïve and deluded?

But this sounds a lot like the majority of self-proclaimed conservatives are actually patsies. Suckers. Dupes. Fools.

And indeed they are. So how do the fat cats who con them get away with it? What is it about conservatives that makes it so easy to whip them up into a state of induced insanity? And how can that lunacy be cured?

Understanding the Conservative Have-Nots

There is a lot of insanity to clear up. It needs to be cleared up. Reason and sanity are as important to progressives as passionate lunacy is to the privileged conservatives.

Getting there is not easy. Part of the problem is that people are often not honest about what their real values are — even to themselves. Another is that values and world-views get all jumbled together so that it is hard to separate them. But once we clear the air we will find that while there are genuine differences in values, some of the deepest chasms that divide us are the result of the differences in the way we see the world.

This is how it works. We all tend to believe what we want to believe. Even small differences in our values then lead us to believe different things about the way the world works. After that, we cannot agree on anything because we live in different worlds. In fact, quite often when our values appear to be irreconcilable it is actually because we do not inhabit the same universe.

[Next: Values and World-Views.]

This book, Mistakes Were Made (but not be me), by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson, is strictly speaking, about “cognitive dissonance”, but it provides wonderful insights into human irrationality. It is well-written, easy to read, and extremely informative.